Notes from a Panel Discussion on Sacred U Community.

I recently was asked to be on an expert panel discussion with others from around the world on the topic of Creating A New Vibration About Money.  We were given the questions to prepare.  Following I’m sharing my notes in case you missed the event:

Goal Setting and Manifestation:

What role do clear financial goals play in attracting wealth?

Setting clear financial goals creates a focused vibration, helping you align your energy with the desired outcome. In kinesiology, for example, we can test and shift our body’s energy to remove blocks that prevent clarity around these goals. Clear goals signal your intention to the universe and help you maintain that energetic alignment.

How can we bridge the gap between our desires and practical steps towards achieving them?

Bridging the gap involves harmonizing the mind and body. I often use kinesiology to identify subconscious resistance, while hypnotherapy helps program the mind for success by integrating visualisations of already achieving those goals. It’s about transforming desires into aligned action steps.

What are some effective visualisation techniques for manifesting financial goals?

Visualisation is more powerful when integrated with the body. Techniques like guided imagery during hypnotherapy can help create emotional resonance with your financial desires, programming the subconscious mind. Coupled with tools like meridian tapping (used in kinesiology), we can clear emotional blocks while reinforcing positive images of financial success.

Understanding Money Beliefs:

How can we identify limiting beliefs around money that might be holding us back?

Limiting beliefs are often embedded in our subconscious. Through kinesiology, we can muscle-test to reveal these limiting beliefs, such as “I don’t deserve wealth” or “Money is scarce.” We then challenge these beliefs using reprogramming techniques like tapping or affirmations.

What are some common negative money stories inherited from family or society?

Common inherited beliefs include “Money doesn’t grow on trees” or “You must work hard to earn money.” These stories stem from societal conditioning and can deeply affect our mindset. These beliefs are often stored in the body’s energy field and can be reframed through various energetic and subconscious modalities like kinesiology and hypnotherapy.

How can we challenge and reframe these limiting beliefs to create a more empowering narrative?

Using hypnotherapy and counselling techniques, we replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones. For instance, reframing “Money is the root of all evil” into “Money is a tool that amplifies my positive impact” creates a new internal narrative, encouraging abundance.

Overcoming Fear and Scarcity: How can we address the fear of not having enough when creating a new money vibration?

Fear can often be found trapped within our energy systems. I use kinesiology to help identify and release these fears. Additionally, spiritual insights from modalities like Chinese medicine teach that scarcity is a mental construct. Shifting to a gratitude-based mindset, which we can strengthen through daily meditations, helps alleviate the fear of not having enough.

What are some strategies to overcome the feeling of scarcity and cultivate abundance thinking?

Rewiring scarcity involves daily affirmations, visualisation techniques, and working energetically through tapping to shift from a fear-based mindset to one of abundance. By releasing trapped emotions in the body (as discovered through kinesiology), clients can reprogram their mindset toward prosperity.

In my sessions with clients we also help identify limiting beliefs, and self-sabbotages, and clear this with techniques designed to help with rewriting old mental programs.

And there are specific Bach Flower remedies that also help to shift blocks for wealth.

How can we build financial security without getting trapped in a fear-based survival mentality?

Financial security begins with energetic stability. Using my various modalities, I help clients shift out of survival mode by balancing their nervous systems through stress-relief techniques like breath-work, meditation, and muscle balancing, allowing them to cultivate a sense of inner security and peace with their financial situation.

Integrating Money with Purpose:

How can we connect our financial abundance to a sense of purpose and giving back?

True abundance is about flow, not accumulation. In my practice, we use spiritual principles such as those in Chinese medicine to understand that wealth must be in circulation. By aligning our purpose with financial goals, clients learn that giving back energetically enhances the flow of money and abundance.

What are some ways to use our wealth to create a positive impact on the world?

Wealth can be an extension of our highest values. Kinesiology can help identify your core values, and aligning these values with your financial goals allows you to use money in ways that bring personal fulfillment and contribute to societal good.

How can we find a balance between financial security and living a fulfilling life?

Balance requires addressing both material and spiritual needs. I guide clients to align their financial goals with their purpose through techniques like vision boarding, kinesiology, and meditative practices, which promote a holistic sense of fulfillment beyond just wealth.

Practical Tips and Tricks:

Could you share some practical, actionable tips and tricks that have worked for you or your clients in the realm of transforming one’s relationship with money?

  • Regular muscle testing to identify blocks to financial success.
  • Daily affirmations combined with tapping (EFT) to clear money-related stress.
  • Visualisation of financial success in a meditative state, which integrates both the mind and energy field.

What specific financial habits or mindset shifts have you seen yield tangible results in terms of increased income, reduced financial stress, or enhanced financial opportunities?

Clients who regularly engage in hypnotherapy and kinesiology experience significant shifts in their mindset. By consistently addressing limiting beliefs and practicing mindfulness, they begin to see increased income and reduced financial stress. Visualisation of wealth alongside techniques like emotional clearing (EFT) creates real, measurable results.

If you’d like support identifying your hidden blocks then book an appointment with me today via my online booking system CLICK HERE.

You can also work with your frequencies with the AO Scan technology by identifying the emotions that need balancing, and sending yourself frequencies for abundance and more.  Like attracts like.  You need to be vibrating at the frequency of abundance to attract more of it into your life.  To subscribe to the AO Scanner CLICK HERE.  Or message me and we can connect on Zoom and go through the process of subscribing together.

Sacred U Community can be found on FaceBook.