Contact Me
Take charge of your life and health, and make an appointment to see me today.
Anne Barratt

I am Anne Barratt and my goal is to help you get unstuck and get your life, health, and mental/emotional state back under control.
You may have come to this point after experiencing setbacks in life, grief or trauma, physical pain, stress or simply making the wrong choices in the past.
If you’re reading this, you’re obviously looking for answers. Kinesiology and our other natural therapies at Empowering Health can help you find answers to why. Why am I feeling this way? Why can’t I ever ….? Why does this always happen to me? Why does this always hurt? You know the rest. Well, I’m here to help you answer these questions, get you feeling better and on the road to achieve your personal and health goals.
A combination of Kinesiology and the other modalities have since gone on to learn and get qualified in, have helped me to get to where I am today. I suffered many set backs during my life, including a life time of bullying, significant weight gain in a short period of time, 20 years of migraines, brain fog, endometriosis, food intolerances, stress from a high pressure corporate career, adrenal fatigue, unexplained infertility, depression, anxiety, major surgery, and devastating grief.
I was so impressed with Kinesiology’s effectiveness that I was compelled to study it myself, and make a career change so that I can help others through this amazing modality. But not only that, I want to be able to help people be and stay well, and know that there are answers and support.
Many solutions that people seek are often just a “band-aid” solutions, a temporoary fix, and doesn’t address the underlying contributing factors as to what got you to where you are today. Unless you identify these you will continue on your same negative path. Its time to identify these things, remove or change them, so that you can regain your life and choose a positive path for your future. Which path will you choose?
I’m a big believer in speaking from experience, and only asking my clients to do things that I have tried myself and know that they work – everything from nutritional plans, exercises, clearing techniques, to referrals. And if I can’t help you I will be honest and refer you on to someone who can. I know you want to get better and better manage your symptoms, and I want to empower you to achieve that.
Study is a hobby of mine, and helping empower people to improve their wellbeing is a passion. Together I have been studying for over 25 years, and evolving my interests as new opportunities come to rise. My qualifications include:
- Diploma in Counselling
- Postgraduate Diploma in Mind Body Sciences and Positive Psychology
- AIK certified and approved business and kinesiology mentor (Australian Institute of Kinesiology)
- Bachelor of Communications
- Master of Business Administration
- Advanced Diploma of Shamanism and Metaphysics
- Advanced Diploma of Surface Design
- Diploma of Kinesiology
- Certificate in Master Practitioner of Hypnotherapy and Training
- Certificate in Conversational Hypnotherapy
- Certificate in Counselling for Hypnotherapists
- Certificate in Introduction to Counselling
- Certificate in Hypnotherapy
- Certificate in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping)
- Certificate in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
- Certificate in NLP Coaching
- Certificate in Time Line Therapy
- Certificate in Sound Therapy
- Certificate in Epigenetic Healing Cycles
I have found that many of these work together well to help you to clear old repetitive patterns, things that have held you back, and breakthrough the barrier to achieve your hearts desire (if that’s what you want 🙂 )
I believe that at Empowering Health we have the techniques to help you achieve optimal health, making it easier for you to achieve the life you are meant to be living.
Empowering the Childless
My life circumstances and health have lead me to be childless not by choice. Having had a full hysterectomy before I was ready to give up trying was devastating.
I was laughed at by my specialist when I asked if there was support for anyone in my circumstance. I used my grief, frustration and anger from this response for the positive to now help others:
- those who have come to the point where they know they will never have children
- and those that still have hope to find the underlying contributing factors to their fertility issues, and those diagnosed with “unexplained” infertility.

2021 Winner Excellence in Business; Overall winner – Inspiring Individual of the Year
2021 Excellence in Service; Excellence in Professional Services – Finalist Women With Altitute Awards
2020 Health4You Top 5 business In Hawkesbury.
2020 Purpose Drive Entrepreneur and Best Small Business under 5 years – Finalist in the Women With Altitude Awards.
2019 Finalist in the Women With Altitude Awards in the Climb Every Mountain Catergory. This category is for the best small business of the year with up to 5 years trading. This award recognises businesses that are already climbing mountains despite still being relatively new.
2018 Winner of the same category
2017 Winner of Inspired Change, and Finalist in the On My Way category.
The last three years I have also been voted in the Top 25 businesses by Health4You. As well as been nominated as best wellness business by Blue Mountains online.
Thank you so all the sponsors, peers, and clients who have supported me and honoured me in this way. I appreciate you.

International writer and contributor
Most recently I’ve also contributed to the CNBC Magazine, Wellbeing, and professional association peer publications.
Writing is a great way to reach out and help more people on their wellness journeys.

Speaker and Educator
As a qualified coach and educator I am often asked to speak at workshops and events. I present at conferences, networking meetings, coaching events, and online community, wellness, and wellbeing forums. I tailor the content and tools to the audience and their needs to ensure that they get the most benefit from it and come away feeling better, and more empowered with the knowledge they’ve gained about themselves and their body, to allow them to be in a better position to make better choices for a better life.