New purpose after loss through infertility and childlessness
Have you ever had a time you felt like you lost control of your life, lost yourself, and lost touch with who you are? You felt like a rug had been yanked from under your feet, and you felt a victim to circumstance. This is how I felt when I first realised the impact...
Not knowing has power
There is freedom in admitting that you don't know something as that allows for a new learning experience to emerge. There is wisdom in not knowing, and it is a wise person who can say, "I don't know." For no one knows everything. There are many types of wisdom - from...
Grounding Yourself
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Distant Healing
[cmsms_row][cmsms_column data_width="1/1"][cmsms_text] Distant and Remote Sessions are now available at Empowering Health via Skype and Phone. Being that everything is energy, and energy knows no boundaries in time and space, and the modalities used at Empowering...
What is Surrogate Healing?
[cmsms_row][cmsms_column data_width="1/1"][cmsms_text] Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not a philosophy, this is physics - ...
5 Key Things Affecting Your Health
The 5 most important things that affect the health of the body In reverse order: 5. Food you eat 4. Exercise you do, and how often 3. Quality of the water you drink, and how much, and how it’s being absorbed into the body 2. The air you breath 1. Thoughts you think...
How to help your child be happy at home and school
Childhood can be a wonderful part of our lives. It is a time of immense growth and learning. Each new challenge your child overcomes helps build their character and self esteem. Sometimes stress is too great for the child's resources to deal with. Some kids are just...
Massage Therapy and Kinesiology
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Teeth grinding, Jaw clicking? A mirror of your health.
Does your jaw click, or move up and down at an angle? Are you grinding your teeth? Are your teeth eroding? Are your gums receding and/or bleeding? Do you have recurrent problems? Do you have unexplained pain? The teeth and surrounding structures can be a mirror for...
Do you feel drained but don’t know why?
Feel drained? Could someone or something be draining you of your energy? In my last blog I wrote about how I was doing Yang exercises, as my work was very Yin based. However a week later I needed to change to Yin exercise as a way to self nurture and for protection. I...