Break a Habit

Eg: Cut back on alcohol, self medicating, eating cake.

Have you let something you once enjoyed as a treat or reward become a habit which is now impacting other areas of your life,
and you’re ready to cut back or … STOP NOW?

Do you need support in breaking this habit, but don’t know how?

I may be able to help – with proven techniques to change your mindset and neurology, resulting in long lasting benefits.

No one session is the same.  And my methods are unique, as I combine elements from all the modalities that I have learned over the last 20 years.  I personally have experienced all the techniques myself and am testament to their effectiveness.  Don’t take as long as I did to heal, or waste another cent hopping from practitioner to practitioner when we can address problems holistically looking at how your body works as a whole. – mind, physical, chemical.

Habits often become habits because your body chemistry has adapted to this toxin you’ve been putting in your body, so needs it to maintain your current state of (in)balance.  Therefor often we need to support the body first to cope with change, and gently detox, before working on the mindset – or for some it may be the other way around.  Every session is tailored specifically to you and your personal needs.

An example of a program includes:  

  • Consultation and mind work to identify triggers.
  • Kinesiology to identify and shift any subconscious block to your success.
  • Use NLP to change your subconscious triggers.
  • Clearing of negative emotions associated with your habit
  • Addressing your personal and health values, and reprioritising them if needed.
  • Kinesiology
  • Modern hypnotherapy techniques
  • Tools to use at home between sessions to help keep habits at bay
  • Change


Please note if I identify that you are not ready to choose to heal yourself by stopping your habit now, we will not be able to continue.  It is also a requirement that you do any tasking assigned to you between session to achieve results.


*note: that sequence of inclusions may vary dependent on your individual needs.  These exact techniques are used by other professional organisations on 1000’s of people with a 98% success rate, at twice the price.

Completely transformational! I went in not knowing what the outcome would or could be. I have just left my third session completely trusting in Anne due to consistently seening significant results! Highly recommend Empowering Health to anyone who wants to achieve health goals.

Katherine T.

With chronic medical issues, I was sick of medication being prescribed with intermittent benefits. Another treating professional recommended Anne, and after a couple of sessions, my health is much better and I’ve managed to save potentially $1000’s in the long term in medical and medicinal purchases, and have found more benefits than what I initially sought help for. Thank you Anne

Angie W.

If you have any questions feel free to give me a ring and I’ll call back between clients 0491 154 594, or send me an email with your phone number to