Emotional Detox and Mastery

Ever feel like your emotions are controlling you, and you can’t stop feeling a certain way because you’re stuck in a vortex that you can’t get out of.  Over our lives we each experience different circumstances, situations or events that have contributed to who we are today and how we may be feeling.  Everyone is unique and interprets their world in their own way.  If you’re feeling anything like grief, anger, fear, anxiety, hate, envy, rage, sorrow or anything else that you are ready to let go of, then this is for you.

Emotions can be toxic to our health and wellbeing contributing to blocks in our ability to lead a happy and balanced life. Emotions get stored in our bodies and supressed unless dealt with , and then get buried under other emotions over time and forgotten about.  Our techniques help you to identify emotions you’ve forgotten about, so they can be released, so your body may start the healing process.

Your body is designed to heal itself, by always trying to find ways of being in a state of balance and harmony, and if you’re not, then why not?  Together you and I can find the answers to this.

Choose the Emotional Detox and Mastery Program to take control of your emotions and life again.

This is an example of 4 session program (a total of 4-6 hours). Please note dependent on your age, longetivity and depths of your issues it may take longer.  Everyone’s circumstances are unique, so the below breakdown is just a guide.

*note: that sequence and inclusions may vary dependent on your individual needs.

Session 1

  • Get clear on your problem and triggers.
  • Brain formatting technique to help break old neurological emotional responses
  • Kinesiology
  • Relaxation hypnosis recording

Session 2

  • Time line therapy to clear negative emotions.
  • Kinesiology
  • Nutritional biochemical analysis

Session 3

  • Identify and break any relevant limiting beliefs and sabotage programs.
  • Emotional Freedom Technique

Session 4

  • Kinesiology
  • Learn technique to keep emotions and triggers at bay.


Pricing is as per standard appointments.  Please refer to booking page for 1st session 1.5 hrs, and subsequent sessions 1hr.

If you have any questions feel free to give me a ring and I’ll call back between clients 0491 154 594, or send me an email with your phone number to info@empoweringhealth.clinic

When you email, please include about 3 preferred days and approximate times you’d like your first appointment.


Payment is required at time of booking.
