Energy & Flow

We are all energy, and energy must flow for us to maintain a standard of optimal wellbeing, and for our business to success.

Do you want to succeed in your chosen career? Are you taking steps to make this happen?  Are you being authentic?  Being authentic is not a requirement for success, but it is if you want that success to be a lasting success.  It connected to your WHY – why are you in business?  Authenticity is when you say and do the things you actually believe – you put your energy into it.

The number 1 habit that sabotages people from creating an unlimited life is their attachment to who they currently are.

What are the keys to change?

  • Follow your dream, do the work, keep at it, put in the time, the sweat and tears to master your craft.
  • Know that people are probably expecting you to fall …
  • What they don’t know is that you, me, we, all of us, have an innate ability to grow and get better.

Human’s are the ultimate adaptation machine. Just by being human means you are cable of great things.  Who you are today does not predict who you can become.  The key to change … PIVOT … the minute you choose to do what you really want to do.

Your ability to transform the planet and positively impact lives for the better is related to your ability to be entrepreneurial and profitable.  Your daily habits and actions are a reflection of your deepest beliefs.  And your income and your results in life are a mirror image of your personal identity and health.  Are you flowing or are you stuck?

We are not the highest version of ourselves we can imagine, we are the lowest version of ourselves which we accept.  Right now… who are you?  If you want to change your life you have to raise your standards, and raise your vibration.

“An extraordinary life is all about daily, continuous improvements in the areas that matter the most” – Robin Sharma

If you raise your standards in the following 5 areas, you will dramatically improve your life:

  1. Health: Raise you standards on how much sleep you get and how well you eat and take care of your body.
  2. Focus: Distraction is stealing our lives.  Get more focused on what you desire in this hour, this day, this life.  Bring your awareness to this moment and what you want to be doing and experiencing now. This will help you be more conscious and more easily spot distraction.
  3. Boldness: Where you are in life right now is a direct reflection of how body you’ve been up to this point.  How boldly do you share yourself, your ideas, your needs and dreams with the world?  Demand of yourself to be more bold and you’ll feel more confident and influential over time.
  4. Joy: Do you expect that you’re going to have fun today and in life? Better yet, do you demand of yourself to be the person who brings the joy, who has fun and helps others have fun no matter what? Joy is a choice not a happenstance blessing.  Bring the joy!
  5. Kindness: People are so driven and distracted that they’ve often lost the awareness to be kind to others.  Kindness is compassion activated – you actually show you care through your actions.  Raising your standard here will help you reach higher levels of happiness, service, and humanity.

If you’re feeling stuck in any area of your life, and struggling to move forward toward your personal, professional and/or health goals then Mind Body Coaching at Empowering Health with Anne Barratt, combining a variety of techniques including Kinesiology, NLP, Epigenetic Healing Cycles, Tapping and more, is a great way to get you moving forward towards your goals with renewed energy and drive.

To make an appointment either in person at Springwood or Winmalee or online via Zoom, bookings can be made online at, or by email or phone 0491 154 594.