More detailed information

for integrated dental support wellbeing services


Hi again.  I”m so happy you’re keen to learn more about the wellbeing support that I can provide.  Below is more information:

Support your body to detox after amalgam removal

  • Did you know that if you have/had amalgam fillings that through use the amalgam would wear and seep into your body.  Amalgam is categorised as a “heavy metal” and if left in the body it may contribute to gut health symptoms that may not present for a number of years.
  • There are a number of ways to support your body to eliminate metals from your body.  Because everyone is unique, and the way your body responds is unique to you, it is important to have an appointment with me.  There is no one solution fits all with this as you and your body may need follow-up support to cope with the elimination process.

Habit change

  • Do you grind your teeth? Crave the wrong foods and drinks? Self sabotage? Afraid of going to the dentist? Or have any other habits that are not for your optimal well-being?  Then kinesiology, hypnotherapy, NLP, and other integrative mind body techniques can be a great way to support your change now.
  • With all habits it’s important to work holistically taking everything into consideration mental/emotional, physical/structure, biochemical/nutritional/toxicity, as one has an impact on the other.  Kinesiology is one of the very few modalities that exists that allows for this integrative approach.  By working this way I help you to identify the underlying contributing factors to your symptoms, resulting in long lasting change.
  • Hypnotherapy alone may not be enough.  This works on the mind, but did you know the gut may have an impact on your thoughts?  Everything is a balance, and sometimes there is a need to support the body first to adapt to the changes, before the habit changes should be made.

Sensitivities to materials and muscle testing for different local anaesthetics and different materials used by Integrated Dental Health

  • In Kinesiology we call sensitivities an Immune Mismatch Response or IMR for short as it was felt this better describes what is happening in the body when it doesn’t necessary agree with things you put in or on your body.
  • Use the art of muscle testing we can help determine what is for your wellbeing, and what may not be for your wellbeing.  And then we can take this a little further when something is not for your wellbeing and may not be considered optimal, but your dentist has advised that you need it.  We do further investigation as to the possible why’s, and what is needed to support you.

Whole body, emotion, and life balancing with Kinesiology which combines the science of Anatomy and Physiology, and Counselling, together with ancient Chinese theories as used in TCM and Acupuncture.


BOOK your 1st 1.5hr appointment, subsequent appointments will vary in time between 30 mins, and 1 hr