Do you feel like you’re never going to achieve perfect health, wellbeing and balance in life? You’ve heard about lots of different programs and modalities and seen lots of people’s transformations on social media. But what about you? Why may things appear to be less than easy for you to turnaround?
Many of us have been brought up to believe that our destination from A, is to B, however the reality is that life happens, and it’s full of potholes, swings and round-a-bouts.
You were happy, healthy and empowered once. So what went wrong? What is blocking you from achieving your personal goals? Did you know the body is designed to heal itself?
We are all energy. It is energy vibrating at such a frequency that it holds all our cells together to create our physical form from our skin, to our organs to our bones.
What starts in the mind, manifests in the body. Our thoughts determine how the body reacts to environmental factors. We have the genetics, but the environment may be the trigger and our minds will affect how our body responds. We have more control than many believe.
The doorway to the mind body connection is the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is that part of our brain that activates our fight and flight mode. It has no logical processing, it just acts. And it’s designed to serve and protect us and keep us safe.
Information is carried within the body in the form of electrical impulses that pass through nerve cells, or neurons. Between any two neurons, there is a gap, or synapse. In order for impulses to travel along a continuous path of nerve cells, something has to carry the impulses across the gaps. This essential task is performed by neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that conduct electrical impulses across the synapses between nerve cells.
When neuro-transmitters were first discovered, scientists thought they were found only in the brain. Later it was discovered that neuro-transmitters actually connect all neurons in the body, forming vast networks of ‘electrical circuits’. More recently, quantum physics and quantum biology tell us that neuro-transmitters bathe every cell in the human body. This knowledge is the key to the Mind/Body connection.
The health of the body is optimally a function of our unconscious. Once you recognize and attune with your inner divine self by balancing your mind you have access to an infinite energy. Did you know that your true nature, underneath all of your hopes, fears, thoughts, and feelings, is nothing but love and light?
Stop and think about where you have been out of balance in life, your thoughts, feelings, actions. Do you eat more sweet than savoury, do you do more aerobic activity than strength, are you always overthinking things rather than connecting in with your heart.
Get back in touch with your inner child and enjoy the ride. We chose this life for a reason. What lessons have you not learned yet?
By Anne Barratt
Empowering Health
Republished with permission by Luminous Wisdom: Sophia Magazine.