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Empowered Client Testimonials
Empowered client testimonials. Names have not been provided to maintain privacy. If you’d like to provide feedback on how Empowering Health has helped you please email it to info@empoweringhealth.clinic. Additional reviews can be found on my Google webpage.
A picture of health
“I was apprehensive about trying Kinesiology, however I’d tried everything else including seeing the Osteopath, and Physiotherapist and I still had pain a year on.
It started with a lot of pain and tension in my shoulders and neck, and then I got tears in both shoulders while exercising. Still, neither the Osteo or Physio helped. They did help ease the pain slightly but it was still there after 6 months of treatments.
I liked the idea of Kinesiology being a holistic and overall approach, looking at me as a whole, not just a bit here and a bit there. This obviously did the trick as after just one session with Anne at Empowering Health my pain has completely gone. I couldn’t be happier.”
At peace
“I and my whole family had been suffering with depression. Mine also caused me to get very angry. I wanted to feel at peace again.
It’s obvious Anne is very passionate about helping her clients. She provides so much attention to detail, and is very talented at muscle testing resulting in finding information about me which just blew my mind away. By bringing awareness to things such as an emotion underlying a particular health concern, it helps the problem clear more easily and quickly.
In my sessions we have done a big variety of clearing techniques to clear my energetic blocks including clearing multiple sabotage programs, jumping jacks for brain clarity, hydration to improve my neurological pathways, temporal tapping and affirmations, and a lot of counselling to find new ways to look at things.
I’ve felt big shift in my life, and now enjoy peace.”
Business success
“My business had started going backwards, I was loosing clients, and not getting any new ones. I was also loosing confidence in myself and the motivation to put any more effort into it. A friend recommended I see a Kinesiologist to help find if I was the cause of my own problems.
Yep, it was me. I’ve learned so much about myself, and how the body works, and how everything is energy. Thoughts are energy, our words are energy, our bodies are held together by energy vibrating. I’ve also learned that our physical body, mind, and biochemical system all are interrelated. My own language and thoughts had been very negative – this pattern we changed with a combination of NLP, EFT, and Kinesiology techniques, plus some nutritional support for home reinforcement.
Now that I’ve turned myself around for the positive with Anne’s help, my business has also turned around. I’ve attracted new clients almost immediately after each session, and things are on the up. I’ve even attracted a new partner into my life. Thank you.”
Sports performance
“Sprinting has always been my passion, but also my burden for it was causing me a lot of physical pain. I couldn’t understand why my calves were always so tight and painful and would tear easily even after warm ups and stretching. I’m physically fit and watch what I eat, so after seeing her ad in the local paper went to see Anne to get some answers.
To my surprise Anne was able to help me identify, through muscles testing and her database of balancing techniques, that my body was not hydrated enough. Although I drink 2-3 litres of water a day, my body had not been absorbing it.
I also learned how the muscles in the calves also relate to adrenal stress. We identified, again through muscle testing, what was happening in my life to contribute to my stress, and cleared these from my body systems. This together with some nutritional support for only three months has helped considerably.
I am so grateful to Anne for teaching me about how my body is designed to heal itself, and to listen to it for signs. If it’s something I don’t personally have the skills to balance myself, I go back to Anne for help.”
Sisters again
“I went to see Anne at Empowering Health about chronic back pain. Together we discovered the underlying issue was the burden of a very negative relationship with my sister. I would never have put two and two together like this, however through Kinesiology, and looking at the body as a whole – and how one thing can affect the other – Anne was able to help me with techniques to improve my inner worth, improve my relationship with my sister, and my back pain has disappeared. Life is worth living again.”
New Mum
“I had been having trouble falling pregnant. I’d been to see a Kinesiologist before so I knew that it’s fantastic at digging and digging until your find the route cause of a problem. After three sessions with Anne at Empowering Health I am happy to say I fell pregnant and have had a happy and healthy baby girl.
After uncovering a lot of emotional issues related to infertility, working through these, and clearing some sabotage programs my subconscious had built, we finally got to the originating time and cause of my problem. I had completely forgotten about a list I’d written in my teens about the type of partner and life I wanted for myself. My current partner did not live up to many of these unrealistic expectations so subconsciously I had been blocking myself from falling pregnant to him. This goes to show how powerful our thoughts can be. Be careful what you put out to the universe.”
Surgery avoided
“My left arm had been painful, and developing tingling and numbness to the point it wasn’t safe for me to drive some days. I’d been to the doctor who had told me I’d need to have surgery for carpal tunnel. After two sessions with Anne at Empowering Health, we identified the underlying contributing factor to my pain was a new photocopier I was sitting next to at work which had been working non-stop lately.
As I wasn’t able to move desks, which would have been the easiest way to solve the problem, Anne was able to do balancing techniques to help my body cope better with this outside stress, plus identify things I could use to create a block between me and the machine, and ways to ground the electric energy. I also had homework to do for ongoing physical support like taking whole-food supplements.
The pain has reduced significantly after only one month, and those days I do feel pain are the days I realize I haven’t done my homework. Anne has saved me thousands of dollars by not having to have surgery.”
Sabotaging myself
“The mind is an incredible thing, and mine I’ve learned is full of self sabotage programs. Essentially by mind thinks it’s safer for me to stay the way I am, and that the unknown of getting healthy is scarier than being unhealthy. Crazy.
Anne and I have been doing a lot of sabotage clearing from different times in my life. Yes, you read correctly. With muscle testing Anne is able to identify when the sabotage program was first created during my life and then balance it using NLP techniques combined with kinesiology techniques to clear the old memory patterns.”
Speaking clearly
“I went to see Anne because my head was all a jumble and I couldn’t get a sentence out straight. I run my own business so it’s important to be able to communicate clearly. Using muscle testing Anne was able to ask my body what it needed to clear any energetic blockages, and so I could be 100% again.
We found out that my head and body weren’t really working together, and I wasn’t very centred or balanced. Using her big tool box of balancing techniques Anne was able to help me through brain integration techniques, and some simple exercises. It’s amazing what a big difference something so easy can make. So every time now I get frazzled, I know what to do to balance myself again.”
Taking responsibility for my own health
“Anne’s knowledge and understanding is amazing. It’s unbelievable the information she can find about me just by muscle testing. Without her even knowing all the details of my past, the information she brought up was so accurate. I love Kinesiology.
Anne’s approach is very empathetic and non-judgmental. In my first session I found it difficult to open up as the process was all new to me and a bit overwhelming. You have to be alert and get involved in the session, as a way of taking responsibility for your own health. Anne is a facilitator and educator, helping you to identify where your problems/blockages are held in your body, identifies the best correction technique, sometimes gets you to do it yourself, and then your body can heal itself. I’m not one for homework either but after Anne explained to me the importance of it, and how simple it really is, I’ve been able to continually improve my health and wellbeing. The results are amazing.”
Individual Results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are real, but may not reflect a typical individual’s experience and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.