A Journey of Empowerment

If you want something to change, you have to be the change. It’s a powerful reminder that while we may not control what others do, we have the ability to transform our own lives. We often hear people expressing frustration with the behaviour of others, waiting for someone else to make a move, or hoping that circumstances will magically improve. But the truth is, change begins with you. When you take proactive steps, you set the tone for how you experience life, and in turn, you inspire those around you.

In the lead-up to my birthday this month, I took time to reflect on past years—what I did, what I didn’t do, and how I felt during those times. I realised that, like many people, I had often let external factors dictate my happiness. I’d compare my experiences to those of others, feeling a mix of contentment and regret. But this year, I decided to do things differently. Instead of waiting for someone else to create joy for me, I chose to take control.

I blocked out a week in my work diary, ensuring that no one could book appointments. This week was for me—an opportunity to indulge in activities that bring me joy, whether it was taking a walk, binge-watching my favorite TV show, or having new experiences. And what an amazing week it has been! I visited a bird sanctuary where I interacted with a beautiful owl named Oracle, a red-tailed cockatoo named Connor, and an eagle named Odin—all of which are endangered here in Australia. The connection with these majestic creatures was profound, reminding me of the beauty and fragility of life.

One of the highlights of my week was listening to my first-ever audiobook, “Becoming Supernatural” by Dr. Joe Dispenza. The book has reinforced what I already knew about the power of the mind but also introduced guided meditations that have supported my personal growth. The experience has been transformative, all because I made the decision to put myself first, to take the time to nurture my soul, and to be the change I wanted to see in my life.

Now, I want to inspire you to do the same. Here are a few tips to help you start being the change in your own life:

  1. Take Responsibility: Recognise that you are in control of your own happiness. Stop waiting for others to make things better for you. Take proactive steps to improve your situation, whether it’s setting boundaries, pursuing a passion, or simply taking time to relax.
  2. Reflect and Reset: Look back on your past experiences and identify what worked and what didn’t. Use this reflection to guide your future actions. If something didn’t bring you joy, don’t repeat it. Instead, try something new.
  3. Choose You: It’s easy to get caught up in the demands of work, family, and social obligations. But remember, you matter too. Make time for yourself, even if it’s just a few minutes a day. Prioritise activities that make you feel good.
  4. Stay Open to Growth: Personal growth doesn’t happen by accident. Be open to learning new things, whether it’s through books, courses, or experiences. Embrace the journey of becoming a better version of yourself.
  5. Inspire Others: When you take control of your own life and make positive changes, you naturally inspire those around you. Your actions can motivate others to take charge of their own lives and make positive changes too.

Change is within your reach, but it starts with you. Don’t wait for someone else to make things better. Take the reins, be proactive, and create the life you want. You have the power to make it happen—so why not start today?


To book an online appointment with me to experience either the AO Scan technology, or Kinesiology and Mindset coaching CLICK HERE.

Be sure to follow my social media pages

And YouTube page where I have lots of resources such as meditations to support you.

And to meet the amazing birds mentioned in this blog you can learn more about them and the work done at the sanctuary at www.featheredfriends.com.au