Teeth grinding, Jaw clicking? A mirror of your health.

Teeth grinding, Jaw clicking? A mirror of your health.

Does your jaw click, or move up and down at an angle? Are you grinding your teeth? Are your teeth eroding? Are your gums receding and/or bleeding? Do you have recurrent problems? Do you have unexplained pain? The teeth and surrounding structures can be a mirror for...

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Do you feel drained but don’t know why?

Do you feel drained but don’t know why?

Feel drained? Could someone or something be draining you of your energy? In my last blog I wrote about how I was doing Yang exercises, as my work was very Yin based. However a week later I needed to change to Yin exercise as a way to self nurture and for protection. I...

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Yin vs Yang Exercise

Yin vs Yang Exercise

Exercise can be classified as yin or yang and what our bodies need can change at different stages in our lives, or even on different days, dependent on what else we are doing for work, play, and relaxation, and what is needed to provide a balance, either by releasing...

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Colour and wellbeing in kinesiology

Colour and wellbeing in kinesiology

I went on my first bushwalk near home yesterday after returning from holidays. Since being back 2 weeks, I had found it difficult to get motivated to exercise, so I did a kinesiology protocol balance on myself with the goal "I am a fit and healthy well being". One of...

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Benefits of getting out of your head, and into your heart

Benefits of getting out of your head, and into your heart

My husband and I went for a bike ride along a fire trail recently to celebrate his birthday. We wanted to do something good for ourselves, rather than indulging ourselves by going out for brunch. While cycling I realised that off-road cycling is a good opportunity to...

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Self Muscle Testing, and Kinesiology

Self Muscle Testing, and Kinesiology

Kinesiologists use muscle testing to access client’s biofeedback system to help identify stressors, and blockages in the body. You too can learn this simple skill for self testing. Muscle testing is the art of applying pressure to a muscle and looking for either a...

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Do you wake regularly during the night at the same time?

Do you wake regularly during the night at the same time?

Did you know your body devotes energy to different organs according to the time of day, and this could be affecting your sleep patterns. Traditional Chinese medicine, and kinesiology, pay close attention to the way energy flows through the body. The human body has...

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Relationship Cross Roads or Parallel Paths

Relationship Cross Roads or Parallel Paths

Which direction is your relationship going? I am very grateful for the relationships in my life where I can be myself and more - being accepted as I am, supported to grow, share my knowledge and learn from one another. A relationship involves two individuals. When...

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