yellow bird pic

I went on my first bushwalk near home yesterday after returning from holidays. Since being back 2 weeks, I had found it difficult to get motivated to exercise, so I did a kinesiology protocol balance on myself with the goal “I am a fit and healthy well being”. One of the corrections was the Colour Balance, I needed to look at the colour Yellow to defuse negative aspects of ‘isolation”. Working for myself can be isolating, and by keeping cosy and warm indoors I’ve essentially been hibernating when I’m not with clients.

The correction helped get me out doors on my walk, but the universe obviously thought I needed to see more yellow. On my walk I saw these pretty birds for the first time since living in the Blue Mountains. Against the greyness of the winter trees, and dirt trail, their bright yellow bellies glowed. It then clicked that bush walking on my own was also isolating. I need to do group exercise. So I have joined the gym to help achieve my goal.