Breaking Barriers: Unleash Your Potential in 2024

Breaking Barriers: Unleash Your Potential in 2024

Welcome to a new chapter in your journey of self-discovery and personal growth. In the pursuit of personal, health, or business goals, it's common to encounter self-sabotage—a hindrance that often manifests through beliefs like "I am not worthy." Let's delve into the...

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Unlocking Wellness: A Holistic Approach to Hypnotherapy

Unlocking Wellness: A Holistic Approach to Hypnotherapy

Balancing Mind, Body, and Spirit for Lasting Change Welcome to the transformative world of Holistic Hypnotherapy! At Empowering Health, I believe in a holistic approach that goes beyond traditional hypnosis. This blog post will guide you through the unique aspects of...

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Studies and Videos Explaining Frequencies

Studies and Videos Explaining Frequencies

Author: Tammy Ward; Cl, CHCH, CHom, OSH, QLA - DMM Student Studies & Videos Explaining Frequencies: https://youtu.be/Q_wkTcRGBxA What are FREQUENCIES? What do you think of when you think of a frequency? Do you realize that frequencies are all around us? Not only...

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5 ways to tap into your intuition

5 ways to tap into your intuition

Intuition is a tool that all of us have. Some people suggest that it’s a mystical power. Others would suggest that it’s merely our subconscious trying to tell us something. Regardless of the source, we all have that little voice that tries to tell us things from time...

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Introduction To The Seven Chakras

Introduction To The Seven Chakras

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning spinning wheel. These are a system of seven energy centers located along the spine. Each chakra corresponds to an area of the body, a set of behavioral characteristics and stages of spiritual growth. Practicing yoga and focusing your...

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What is a Kinesiologist

What is a Kinesiologist

Since the wedding of socialite Harriet Williams was covered in many Australian news outlets over the weekend people have been asking "what is a Kinesiologist?"  Harriet was described as a wealthy one at that.  I’m not sure how true that is for others in small...

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Happiness Vs Contentment

Happiness Vs Contentment

Happiness Versus Contentment Most people think of contentment and happiness as synonymous. However, they are not the same. We do use words like contentment, joy, happiness, and elation as replacements for each other. It's because positive emotions are positive. But...

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How Your Feelings Affect Your Habits

How Your Feelings Affect Your Habits

Have you ever noticed how your feelings can affect your daily habits? For example if you grew up in a home where your parents always argued, you may develop a fear of relationships. You may think it is perfectly normal for adults to constantly argue. If you have been...

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