Happiness Versus Contentment

Most people think of contentment and happiness as synonymous. However, they are not the same. We do use words like contentment, joy, happiness, and elation as replacements for each other. It’s because positive emotions are positive. But they all have their own meanings, and they are all different from each other.

Happiness is the state of feeling pleasure or a feeling of happiness. It’s a way to describe an emotional state of being. It’s short-term. Whereas contentment is a long-term state of being. It is a stable calm we feel, and you can be happy and content, but you can be sad and content too.

 According to the Dalai Lama “contentment is the ultimate state of being”.  It is from this position that we move up and down on the emotional rollercoaster from the highs to the equal and opposite lows.  We always have to have balance for optimal health and wellbeing in all areas of our life.

Happiness Defined

Happiness is made up of several elements. Whether you feel pleasure or find yourself in a state of happiness will depend on your levels of satisfaction, the meaning you find in life, and your relationships. When we discuss satisfaction, this includes satisfaction you gain from improving and growing in your personal and professional life. If you achieve goals, you feel more stable, which can help you fuel your happiness levels.

Relationships aren’t just for staving off loneliness, though it is important. We are social creatures, and humans rely on bonds they build with others. If you have strong family ties, good friends, a supportive partner, and mutual respect with co-workers, then you will be happier.

The way you view life matters. The meaning you take from it, the purpose that fuels you, your insights, and how you perceive the world… it’s all-important. People focused on material goods will only find happiness as they achieve their goals and earn more to pay for those things.

Someone focused on a more spiritual way of life will gain happiness from nature, prayer, or meditation. We are all fueled by different things, and happiness comes from understanding what fuels you. The point is happiness is subjective.


Contentment Defined

We can define contentment as satisfaction. You cannot equate it to happiness, not really because happiness often stems from a place of contentment. While other things can fuel happiness, contentment is the perfect foundation for it.

Unlike happiness, contentment is long-term. Happiness is about emotional extremes of elation or joy. Contentment is stable. It’s a way of life.

When you are satisfied with your situation, accept your position, and yourself as you are, you create contentment within yourself. If you think of it in this sense, then contentment is about enjoying life thoroughly and calmly.

While happiness is influenced by external forces, contentment is not. If you are not content with your life, you can still experience moments of happiness. The problem is they are only temporary.


Are You Happy or Content?

It doesn’t have to be one or the other; you can be happy and content at the same time. If you work to build a solid foundation of contentment, then you will find it easier to build longer streaks of happiness.

Think about the definitions, as described above, and what areas of your life fill you with happiness. Do the same again for contentment. There is likely a list of different things or maybe there is some overlap.

Practicing self-care can help you fuel contentment, but it can also fill you with happiness. When you experience happiness for someone else’s success, that stems from a place of profound contentment.

Spending time in nature can also increase your state of happiness while fueling higher levels of contentment.

So, while they are certainly not the same, it is fair to say that they are linked and can fuel each other. Building your own happiness and increasing your contentment are both in your hands.

If you’d like personal support to help gaining back control of your emotions and thought patterns then contact me today for an appointment.  I practice a number of natural modalities including Kinesiology, Emotional Freedom Technique, NLP, Hypnotherapy, Integrated Mind Body Coaching and Positive Psychology and more which all combine together for positive long lasting results.

Anne Barratt – Empowering Health
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