In the quest to create the life we desire, mindset plays a crucial role, but it’s not the whole story. Your energy, particularly the energy of your heart space, is equally essential. In Dr. Joe Dispenza’s Becoming Supernatural, he emphasizes the profound impact of aligning your heart and mind to manifest your dreams. This blog explores why getting into your heart space is key to manifestation, and how frequencies and the AO Scan can support your journey.

The Heart: Your Manifestation Powerhouse

The heart is more than just a physical organ—it’s a powerful energetic center that influences every aspect of your being. According to the HeartMath Institute, the heart emits an electromagnetic field that is 60 times greater in amplitude than the brain’s, extending several feet around you. This field plays a vital role in communication between your body and the world around you.

When you cultivate feelings of love, gratitude, and compassion, you generate a coherent heart rhythm. This coherence is crucial because it aligns your energy with your intentions, making you a magnet for the experiences and outcomes you desire.

Mindset Alone Isn’t Enough

While positive thinking and visualization are important, they must be coupled with the right emotional energy to be truly effective. Think of your thoughts as the blueprint for what you want to create, and your emotions as the energy that brings that blueprint to life. Without the emotional charge, your thoughts lack the power to manifest.

We are energetic beings, constantly interacting with the world around us. Our energy can either attract what we want or repel it, depending on its frequency. If your energy is out of alignment—say, if you’re stuck in fear, doubt, or negativity—you’ll struggle to manifest what you desire, no matter how hard you try to think positively.

How Frequencies Play a Role

Everything in the universe, including our thoughts and emotions, vibrates at specific frequencies. When you align your frequency with the frequency of your desires, you create resonance, which draws those desires into your life. This is why getting into your heart space is so powerful—when your heart’s frequency is coherent and elevated, it harmonizes with the frequencies of your goals, making manifestation effortless.

Using the AO Scan to Support Your Frequency Alignment

To truly harness the power of your heart space, it’s important to keep your frequencies in check. This is where the AO Scan comes in. The AO Scan is an advanced technology that analyzes your body’s frequencies and identifies any imbalances. By subscribing to the AO Scan, you can work on aligning your frequencies, ensuring that your energy supports your intentions.

The AO Scan doesn’t just analyze your frequencies—it also provides corrective frequencies that help bring you back into alignment. Whether you’re dealing with emotional blocks, stress, or physical discomfort, the AO Scan can support your journey toward manifesting your desires by ensuring that your energy is in harmony with your goals.

Becoming a Magnet for What You Desire

Ultimately, the key to manifesting what you want lies in becoming a magnet for it. This means aligning your thoughts, emotions, and energy with your desires. By getting into your heart space, cultivating positive emotions, and ensuring that your frequencies are in alignment, you create the perfect conditions for manifestation.

If you’re ready to take control of your energy and start attracting the life you want, consider subscribing to the AO Scan. It’s a powerful tool that may help you align your frequencies and manifest your dreams.


Remember, you are the creator of your reality. By consciously choosing to align your heart, mind, and energy, you can manifest the life you desire. Don’t just rely on mindset alone—get into your heart space, work on your frequencies, and watch as the universe responds to your coherent, high-vibrational energy. If you need support on this journey, I’m here to help guide you. Let’s make your dreams a reality.

I have also prepared a guided meditation to help you get into your heart centre which will be available on my YouTube channel this week.  Subscribe to the YouTube channel in order to be notified once it’s live – which should be this Friday.


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  • Personalized Care: I tailor my services to meet your specific health needs and goals.
  • Holistic Approach: I address not just the symptoms but the root causes of health issues.
  • Proven Techniques: I utilize effective modalities like Kinesiology and bio-resonance therapy to promote healing and balance.
  • Supportive Environment: I provide a safe and supportive space for you to focus on your health.

Investing in your health now is one of the best decisions you can make for your future. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Embrace the necessary luxury of health and wellbeing today.

Ready to prioritize your health? Schedule a session with me and take the first step towards a healthier, happier life. Visit Empowering Health to learn more and book your appointment.

Or subscribe NOW to the AO Scanner to put the power of well-being in your own hands.  You can run it off your own existing device – CLICK HERE