Kinesiologists use muscle testing to access client’s biofeedback system to help identify stressors, and blockages in the body. You too can learn this simple skill for self testing.
Muscle testing is the art of applying pressure to a muscle and looking for either a yes/no, or stress response. It’s used to access information from your body at this present time. It doesn’t help with fortune telling.
Anybody can do it because it uses your electrical system and your muscles. Even small children can learn it.
Here’s how it works
If you’ve ever been to a kinesiologist or holistic physician experienced in muscle testing, you’ve experienced muscle testing. The practitioner asks you to stick out your arm and resist his/her pressure. It feels like they are trying to push your arm down after they’ve told you not to let them do it. Everything is going fine, and then all of a sudden they press and your arm falls down no matter how hard you try to keep it up. That is using muscle testing.
Simply stated, the body has within it and surrounding it, an electrical network or grid. If anything impacts your electrical system that does not maintain or enhance your health and your body’s balance, your muscles, when having physical pressure applied, are unable to hold their strength. (Muscle power is directly linked to the balance of the electrical system.) In other words, if pressure is applied to an individual’s extended arm while their body’s electrical system is being adversely affected, the muscles will weaken and the arm will not be able to resist the pressure. The circuits of the electrical system are overloaded or have short-circuited, causing a weakening of that system. However, if pressure is applied while the electrical system is being positively affected, the circuits remain strong, balanced and capable of fully functioning throughout the body. The muscles will remain strong, the person will easily resist and the arm will hold its position.
This electrical/muscular relationship is a natural part of the human system. Kinesiology is the established method for reading the body’s balance through the balance of the electrical system at any given moment.
What you can use it for
Primarily you are testing for what is for your body’s highest good at this moment in time. Therefore many things can apply. Following are a list of things I self muscle test for (outside of kinesiology balances).
Purchasing: Is purchasing this item a wise decision
Menu items: Which dish on the menu is the best option for me.
Dosages: Number of supplements to take at that time of time: With intention say to yourself on last-lock how many of this supplement do I need to take – 1, 2, 3…
Which other health modality is going to help me manage my symptoms today
- is it in my best interest to attend a workshop or not
- which colour t-shirt should I wear today – to provide me the vibrational energy that I need.
- is it in my highest good to purchase one bunch of celery over another
It has many applications, but if you’re unsure whether you can ask, or how to word your question, feel free to message me on Facebook or email me with your questions.
Book a one-on-one self muscle testing training session with me
How to self muscle test
There are three primary ways to self muscle test: whole body, two handed, one handed.
Whole Body Testing
This is the best way to learn, as the results are most obvious. When you become confident with this method, and trust yourself to respond clearly then move onto the next.
Starting position involves simply standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Relax, and bend your knees slightly (so they’re not locked). Shoulders back and head tall.
Take three slow deep breaths, and clear your mind, and ground your self – feeling your feet planted solidly to the ground.
To start with, to see how your body responds when you ask some obvious yes no questions. When it’s a yes or positive response your body sways forward slightly, and when it’s a no or negative response your body sways backward slightly.
My name is (insert your name)
My name is (insert someone elses name)
I live in (insert your suburb or country)
I live in (insert a different suburb or country)
Once you’ve mastered this, with only positive intent for yourself ask what it is you need clarity on for your wellbeing, at this present time.
Some people do this exercise seated also, but you need to be sitting upright, toward the edge of your chair so you have space between you and the backrest to move.
Mum’s can use whole body testing to help test for what their baby needs. A mother and child’s bond is very close, and can share their electrical energy. Hold your baby in your arms, keeping their well-being intent in mind, and ask what it is the baby needs with Yes/No questions:
- Does he/she need their nappy changes?
- Is he/she hungry?
- Is he/she too hot (cold)?
Two handed Muscle Testing
It’s not always practical to whole body test, and you may want to do something a little more discrete, this is when you can use two-handed muscle testing.
Start with your writing hand (or dominant hand), mine is the right hand as pictured, and place your thumb to your index finger. This will be your hand you will be consciously controlling what you are doing.
With your other hand place your thumb to your ring finger. This is the hand we will be testing our electrical response with.
While learning, start by using practice question again. Immediately after you’ve asked the question … muscle test. To muscle test we place our writing hand fingers that we’ve made a circle with (thumb and index finger) into the loop we’ve created with the other hand (thumb to ring finger), and move apart your fingers on your writing hand to see if the loop on the left hand stays closed, or if it opens easily. Note, it’s not a competition of strength, it’s just a matter of keeping a light connection. If the fingers stay together easily, this indicates a yes or positive response. If the fingers open, this indicates a no or negative response.
My name is (insert your name)
My name is (insert someone elses name)
I live in (insert your suburb or country)
I live in (insert a different suburb or country)
NOTE: Be sure the amount of pressure holding the circuit fingers together is equal to the amount of your testing fingers pressing against them. Also, don’t use a pumping action in your test fingers when applying pressure to your circuit fingers. Use an equal, steady and continuous pressure.
I primarily use two handed muscle testing for myself. Although I’ve been trained to do muscle testing, it took me some time to get to the point where I knew I was getting accurate responses. For many months I questioned myself, how do I know if it’s my conscious or unconscious response, was their a secondary gain involved, was my ego taking over. Of course you can control what your fingers do, but this is not the purpose of this exercise. You are communicating with your body’s electrical system to learn what your body considered as being for its wellbeing or not. Practicing neutrality is an exercise in itself when asking questions of yourself.
Once you’ve mastered this technique you can move onto the next exercise
One handed Muscle Testing
You can use either hand for this exercise
Let one finger be the one you will use for testing, and let another on the same hand be the same you’re testing with. Extend the fingers on one hand, hold in mind the question, then test by pushing down on one finger by using another finger on the same hand. I tend to use my middle finger to push down and test my index finger.
I’m yet to master this exercise myself as the movement is very subtle, I personally like to see more movement as it provides visual reassurance for me. However I know other kinesiologists who prefer this method as it frees up their other hand to do other things, such as scan lists to muscle test for, eg pointing to items on a restaurant menu, or a list of kinesiologists you are considering booking with to find which one may help you best.
Don’t forget the overall concept behind kinesiology. What enhances our body, mind and soul makes us strong. Together, our body, mind and soul create an environment that, when balanced, is strong and solid. If something enters that environment and challenges the balance, the environment is weakened. That strength or weakness first registers in the electrical system, and it can be discerned through the muscle testing technique.
Book a one-on-one self muscle testing training session with me
Want to identify imbalances in your energy system without muscle testing?
The AO Scan technology is an amazing tool to provide you the insights into imbalances within your energy system by scanning and optimizing your frequencies. We are all frequency beings, and you can scan them using this amazing app, and it’s really easy to use. Over time it saves you lots of money and time going for tests, appointments, and trialing different supplements. I’m doing myself out of a job by suggesting this, but I want everyone to have the power of wellbeing in their own hands. And the good thing is if you get approx. 3 other friends to subscribe also, your membership fee is covered*. (Dependent on $ exchange rates).
Click here:
Written by:
Anne Barratt – Specialist Kinesiologist and Owner – Empowering Health
Winmalee, Blue Mountains NSW, Australia
Ph: 0491 154 594
Online appointments available over Google Meetings or Zoom. Just head to the website to book online at
thanks! i was trying to explain this to my friend and this made it very easy!
Im glad it was of help 🙂
Thanks for the feedback.
Hi just a question, I usually use the whole arm outstretched and quite a firm pressure downwards to muscle test someone and sometimes if I have done a few muscle tests I will get a weak muscle test but then if I let them rest and recheck then the muscle is strong. Is this just muscle fatigue rather than a true indication?
Thanks A
Hi just a question, I usually use the whole arm outstretched and quite a firm pressure downwards to muscle test someone and sometimes if I have done a few muscle tests in a row the patient will show a weak muscle test but then if I let them rest and recheck then the muscle is strong. Is this just muscle fatigue rather than a true indication?
Thanks A
It sounds like it may be fatigue, but hard to know without being there 🙂
To overcome fatigue you could swap arms regularly, or if the client is lying down you could have them rest their elbow on the table and use the forearm as the leaver – corachobrachialis as indicator muscle.
To determine if it is fatigue you can surrogate for the client and muscle test yourself and ask if it is fatigue or not.
I hope this helps.
you didn’t finish the instructions for the one handed test. you said to extend one finger, then use another finger from the same hand to push down on that finger. then you never said what was supposed to happen. are you supposed to be able to push it down for yes and not push it down for no?? I’m confused and a little frustrated, as it seems others get it and I don’t, however I feel that you dint explain it correctly.
can you please tell me how to do it on one hand.
Hi Nancy. I hear you. I still get frustrated myself. There’s a book I found on Kindle which has some balancing techniques you can do to support your self-muscle testing. Our own mind can interfere with the signals, as can our neurology, emotions, and energetic patterns. The book includes technique to help ensure none of this is interfering. It’s call “The Art of Self Muscle Testing: For Health, Life and Enlightenment” by Michael Hetherington.
Regarding your enquiry, an electrical frequency weakens when it’s not for your well-being. So your finger would bend when you apply pressure to it. So finger stays straigt/strong for yes it is for my optimal wellbeing, it bends when it’s not for your well-being.
Hope this helps.
Thanks so much for this tutorial, but I DO HAVE ONE QUESTION.
So are you just asking yourself verbally or mentally is this; for example, Milk Thistle good for me, then test?
Thanks again
Hi. Glad you’ve found my blog interesting.
When I’m self-muscle testing I ask the question mentally to myself. Especially when in a shop deciding what to buy for myself. I ask “is Milk Thistle for my optimal wellbeing?” then test yes or no.
Sometimes you don’t need a particular herb/product at that given time so the body may say “no” you don’t need it.
If it says “no” you can then ask “will I need it later”?
If it says “yes” then you could ask when
– is it in days, y/n
– is it in weeks. y/n
– is it in months, y/n
then more than 1?
more than 5?
Then when deciding which Milk Thistle to purchase you look at option 1, and ask “is it this one? y/n? or look at the other “is it this one y/n?” Not all products are the same quality or may have other ingredients combined that aren’t for your personal wellbeing at that given time.
I trust this helps you a little.
You would always just go to what you really wanted in this case. I have an aunt who is allergic to everything but uses this as a excuse to eat things anyway via her “muscle test” it somehow always tells her to eat the chocolate , corn and tomatoes even though she’s allergic ! 😁. I don’t get how how you would ever make this work. I can make it stay together by saying my own name or come apart because I control my hands even lightly I am still in control of my hands.
Thank you for this clear explanation. I have been wondering whether to get some kind of machine for muscle testing as I am not yet fully confident in my body’s responses – but now I feel I shall persevere with it.
Glad I could help. Definitely worth persevering. Those machines can get very expensive from what I’ve seen.
Can I use the “ Arm extended method on myself with a bottle of supplements in my dominate hand etc?
Ooh, that’s a new one I’ve not tried before – so I can’t answer that one sorry. It sound’s like it would be a bit awkward to do. I’ve been taught when testing supplements to hold the bottle next to the parotid gland in the cheek, or on the chest.
This is a great explanation. Just wondering about a reply you said:
To overcome fatigue you could swap arms regularly, or if the client is lying down you could have them rest their elbow on the table and use the forearm as the leaver – corachobrachialis as indicator muscle.
I can’t picture this. The person is lying on their back, top of arm resting on a table so the forearm and finger tips be facing the ceiling (90 degrees at elbow?) then you push, plans facing down? It just feels like you are using a lot of force to maintain the arm? Sorry to ask so man questions! head scrambled here!
I think I have found an example. The wrist is flexed and elbow at around around 110 degrees?
Hi Gerri. Sorry for the delay in response. I’m glad you’ve been able to work it out. Yes the forearm is relaxed on the table, wrist up. The hand flops relaxed, and rotated in toward the body at approximately 45 degrees. Yes the wrist should be just past 90 degree angle and the muscle test you push the wrist down toward the hip. If the clients wrist is up at 90 they are more likely to start recruiting and not revealing their blocks. I hope this helps. Anne.
I would love to learn this method but I just can’t break the rings/circles/ My muscles are always strong, no matter if answer is yeas or no. There is no difference in pressure.
Any advises? Thank you
Hi Dina. Are you successful with other forms of muscle testing? The idea is not to fight it, or recruit the muscle but just keep a light touch between the finger and thumb. I also tend to use one of my weaker fingers such as the ring finger together with the thumb, as it’s not as strong as my index finger. The other thing to do would be to check the muscles of your fingers and if there may be an overfacilitaftion happening. Most importantly trust yourself – you have the ability in you.
You may have some blocks in your meridians. One thing that wasn’t mentioned is that you must be hydrated! Electricity… So try drinking one or 2 glasses of water, wait a couple minutes, and try again. I suppose that’s more likely. You can also try doing more grounding type of exercises and mentally /spiritually get yourself in a more open and grounded state. That sounds super vague but I hope it helps!
I’ve been doing testing for 45 years. My head does a strong yes or no. I also do the arm on others and the thumb and fore finger in myself. Lately my head sways left and right for no and up and down for yes. Have you heard of this before? I would love to set up an appt. with you. Do you do the complete body exam? I know there is someone that works with the Mr. McGuire out in Calif. Have you heard of him can’t think of his first name right now. She gets pretty intense with her questions which Is very good . Long story but I’ve missed placed her info. I’ve called the school but no one has returned my call. I will look at your website for more info.
Hi Gerri.
The body is an amazing tool, that can provide profound insights if you’re listening. Is your head moving involuntarily as an indicator, or is it your conscious mind responding as people generally do in their body language and interactions? You can choose to instruct your body how you want to to show you a yes and a no – it’s the same as when you are setting up a pendulum.
I’m based in Australia. I have heart of Mr McGuire – I’m on his mailing list.
Have a look at my website where there’s more information.
I’m booked out till next year now. So you don’t have to decide how to proceed right away.
Wishing you a lovely Holiday period.
Anne Barratt
Okay this is probably a very odd question!
I am seeing a energy guy who also uses Kinesiology to help with all my physical problems. There are times he is muscle testing and he will find a weak area and then he will ask me put my own hand on the area and I test strong!
Do you have any idea why? I ask him and he didn’t really answer but he seems amused.
I am seeing a energy guy who also uses Kinesiology to help with all my physical problems. There are times he is muscle testing and he will find a weak area and then he will ask me put my own hand on the area and I test strong!
Do you have any idea why? I ask him and he didn’t really answer but he seems amused.
I can’t be sure as to why this is happening. Muscle testing involves energy. It has a lot to do with intent behind the muscle test. And I have been taught that ideally you shouldn’t test an area multiple times, because your conscious mind then may kick in and over-right the initial response. You’d need to ask your energy guy for his answer again.
He said it has to do with my second guessing myself. I am not sure if that makes sense.
Hi Tammy. If you are second guessing yourself, maybe you need to work on trusting yourself, and your innate intelligence – that of your body/subconscious mind/intuition. One way is to keep practicing every day with things that don’t really matter. For example muscle test “which top should I wear today from the choices in my wardrobe is it this one Y/N, this one Y/N? The other is to practice letting go of worries (external factors), and instead bring your focus back to you in the now. Dr Joe Dispensa explains this really well in his book Becoming Supernatural in Chapter 2 or 3. Being present – letting go of any expectation, control, and outcomes – helps with the clarity of muscle testing response.
I hope this helps.
Hi Anne! Thank you for such an informative article. I have been using muscle testing for quite some time for healing sessions. And to be honest with you this is truly a powerful tool. I was able to heal allergies, childhood, and even past life traumas. Not sure if past lives are real or not, but the results speak for themself. I use kinesiology as an additional tool for spiritual practices to identify cause and effect.
My only concern is that when extremely deep subconscious limiting beliefs charged with negative emotions come up, the body, fingers, or even hands won’t respond. This is due to emotional investment into the topic. I would say, the deeper you go into subconsciousness, the harder it is to stay neutral and not to manipulate the muscles.
Currently, I am researching for more stable ways to find either a yes/no response from the body. Any input will be very helpful. Have you ever tried using any devices for clearer biofeedback readings, such as muscle stimulators, maybe brainwave neurofeedback or even heart rate monitors for the same task? Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Hello. Sorry for the delay in responding to your post. Can you please clarify if you are muscle testing on yourself, or if you are muscle testing your client? Is it the client that is experiencing the deep subconscious limiting beliefs and emotions, or you?