In the journey of life, it’s easy to become fixated on the obstacles and challenges that lie ahead. Much like riding a bike, where our attention tends to gravitate towards the very obstacles we wish to avoid—potholes, rocks, and bumps in the road—our goals often become overshadowed by the fear of failure or the potential for setbacks. However, what if I told you that by simply shifting your focus beyond the obstacles, you can reach your destination with greater ease and success?

Consider this: when riding a bike, fixating on the pothole directly in front of you increases the likelihood of steering straight into it. Yet, when you shift your gaze just beyond the obstacle, towards the path you wish to travel, you effortlessly navigate around it, reaching your destination unscathed. This simple shift in focus holds profound wisdom for navigating life’s challenges and achieving our goals.

In life, our thoughts and intentions have a powerful influence on our reality. Focusing on what we don’t want—whether it be failure, setbacks, or obstacles—often manifests those very outcomes. However, by redirecting our attention towards what we do want—success, growth, and abundance—we align ourselves with the positive forces of the universe, paving the way for transformative change and fulfillment.

Shifting our goals from avoidance to aspiration can be a game-changer in our journey towards personal and professional growth. Rather than dwelling on the potholes of life—the challenges, setbacks, and limitations—we can set our sights on the horizon, focusing on the opportunities, possibilities, and achievements that await us. By doing so, we tap into the limitless potential within ourselves, empowering us to overcome obstacles with grace and resilience.

As a kinesiologist, I’ve witnessed the profound impact that shifting focus can have on my clients’ lives. By helping them identify and release energetic blocks, we clear the path for new possibilities and opportunities to emerge. Through personalized sessions, we work together to redirect their goals towards what they truly desire, empowering them to manifest their dreams and create the life they envision.

So, I invite you to pause and reflect on your goals and aspirations. Are you focusing on the obstacles that stand in your way, or are you directing your energy towards the path you wish to travel? Remember, where attention goes, energy flows. By shifting your focus towards what you truly want, you can harness the power of intention to manifest your dreams and create a life of abundance and fulfilment.


Anne Barratt is a Specialist Kinesiologist, Energy Worker, Mentor & Coach.

Empowering the health of your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, abundance, success, and life.

To learn more about Anne, Kinesiology and the other modalities practiced at Empowering Health


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Empowering Health