8 questions to ask before booking in with a Kinesiologist for your first appointment.

What is a Kinesiologist

Since the wedding of socialite Harriet Williams was covered in many Australian news outlets over the weekend people have been asking “what is a Kinesiologist?”  Harriet was described as a wealthy one at that.  I’m not sure how true that is for others in...
Happiness Vs Contentment

Happiness Vs Contentment

Happiness Versus Contentment Most people think of contentment and happiness as synonymous. However, they are not the same. We do use words like contentment, joy, happiness, and elation as replacements for each other. It’s because positive emotions are positive....
How Your Feelings Affect Your Habits

How Your Feelings Affect Your Habits

Have you ever noticed how your feelings can affect your daily habits? For example if you grew up in a home where your parents always argued, you may develop a fear of relationships. You may think it is perfectly normal for adults to constantly argue. If you have been...