2020 is the new age of Aquarius. In the lead-up to next year many are experiencing accelerated, almost unprecedented personal growth. Soul is calling us to step up to the plate of our own capability, as we trigger personal responsibility and leadership, offering our skills and talents in world service.

Have you been feeling the pull to be doing more with your life?

Are situations arising where you’re having to move away from complacency and finally face the important issues, which have been on your back burner for years?

If so, then you are in the best possible position, as we lead into the birth of one of the most important ages for Earth’s soulful community.

Energetically we have already started to prepare for this as a planet. 1/10 – 10/10 was a cosmic bridge to this new decade. You may have been experiencing lots of things stirring for you, bringing up conflicts, unease, physical pain, and emotions to name a few.

These issues and symptoms come to the surface as things in our life we may not have dealt with as yet and learned the life lessons from. How you choose to respond will determine how you are able to move forward into the new year and new era. Are you ready to let go of the old?

Letting go is scary for some, and this is natural. The subconscious mind plays a part in this.  It has no logical processing, it keeps stacking in information and is reinforced and strengthen every time a similar situation occurs.  The subconscious mind’s purpose is to keep you alive and safe and it knows you are alive and safe now, so to make any change is considered a risk.  Even letting go of those negative behaviours, thoughts and physical pain could be considered a risk for the subconscious mind.  Imagine what you could achieve without these issues or symptoms … the potential is unlimited …however considered a risk by the subconscious.   It’s now time to choose to make change.

Albert Einstein said that “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result”.

Here are some simple and safe ways to make little changes in your life and start the new decade in a new way:

  • Push yourself to get up before the rest of the world – start with 7am, then 6am, then 5:30am. Choose to start your new day in a new way.
  • Go to the nearest hill/cliff with a big coat, your favourite blanket and a scarf and watch the sunrise.
  • Get into the habit of preparing yourself a beautiful breakfast. Sit and eat it and do nothing else.
  • Start by reaching for the sky as hard as you can, then trying to touch your toes. Roll your head. Stretch your fingers. Stretch everything.
  • Drink filtered or bottled water. Push yourself to drink the whole thing in a day, then increasing it a little every day until you’re easily drinking 1.5-2 litres a day.
  • Buy a beautiful diary and a beautiful pen. Write down everything you do, and think, including dinner dates, appointments, coffees, what you need to do that day. No detail is too small.
  • Strip your bed of your sheets and empty your underwear into the washing machine. Wash, then hang them in the sunshine with care. Make your bed in full.
  • Dig your fingers into the earth, plant a seed. See your success as it grows every day.
  • Organize your room. Fold all your clothes (and bag what you don’t want), clean your mirror, your laptop, vacuum the floor. Light your favourite candle.
  • Practice your deep breathing. Ground yourself.
  • Have a luxurious shower with your favourite music playing. Wash your hair, scrub your body, brush your teeth. Lather your whole body in moisturizer, get familiar with the part between your toes, your inner thighs, the back of your neck. Wash the day’s stress away.
  • Push yourself to go for a walk. Smile at strangers walking the other way and be surprised how many smile back. Take your dog if you have one and observe its behaviour. Realize you can learn from your pets and other animals.
  • Message old friends with personal jokes. Reminisce. Suggest a catch up soon, even if you don’t follow through. Push yourself to follow through.
  • Think long and hard about what interests you. crime? sex? spirituality? long-forgotten romance etiquette? Find a book about it and read it.
  • Become the person you would ideally fall in love with.
  • Lie in the sunshine. Daydream about the life you would lead if failure wasn’t a thing and really imagine it, feel it, hear it, see it, taste it.

Take small steps every day to make it happen for you. Choose now how you will move forward into the new era, one which promises to be a brighter, smarter and very modern future. One that will be less possessive and greedy I trust. And although 2020 will not be a panadol to all our woes, it certainly does look like we will soon be living in a more vibrant and egalitarian era.

If you need support letting go of the old, clearing blocks, self sabotages, emotions or limiting beliefs, so that you can move freely into the new era in a renewed way then book an appointment today with me.

Sessions may be held by distance via Zoom or in person.
Available at times to suit busy people after hours and weekends by appointment.


Anne Barratt
Empowering Health
Kinesiologists, Spiritual & Empath Coach


0491 154 594
