Recent surveys from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare indicate that approximately 60% of women aged 35 and older are actively seeking holistic well-being practices. This growing trend underscores a shift towards embracing alternative and integrative approaches to health.

Empowering Holistic Well-Being for Women:

A Journey of Self-Discovery unfolds with Anne Barratt at the helm, blending qualifications, and lived experiences to craft unique well-being solutions. This expert in spiritual holistic health stands ready to guide women on a transformative journey toward self-empowerment.

The Holistic Well-Being Journey:

Holistic well-being is not a static destination but a dynamic exploration. Anne Barratt, armed with diverse modalities like Kinesiology, Metaphysics, and NLP, curates a personalized approach for women seeking a deeper connection with their overall well-being.

Gabor Mate’s Insights: Author Gabor Mate’s words echo in Anne’s holistic approach, emphasising the inseparable link between mind and body. “The biology of mind and the biology of emotion are inextricably intertwined,” highlighting the significance of addressing emotional, mental, and physical aspects concurrently.

Empowering Women through Lived Experiences: Anne Barratt’s journey, inclusive of menopause, career changes, and fertility struggles, provides a relatable backdrop. Her transparency about challenges fosters an empathetic space, resonating with women navigating similar struggles.

Australia’s Shift Towards Holistic Practices: Recent data highlights a noteworthy shift in Australia, with around 70% of women aged 35 and older incorporating holistic practices like mindfulness and energy work into their health routines. This signifies an increasing awareness of the interconnected nature of mental, emotional, and physical health.

Key Elements of Holistic Well-Being:

  1. Mind-Body-Spirit Connection: Anne fosters a harmonious connection between mind, body, and spirit, acknowledging their intricate link.
  2. Personalized Solutions: Anne tailors solutions based on individual needs, recognizing that every woman’s journey is unique.
  3. Education and Empowerment: Clients become active participants in their well-being journey, empowered with knowledge to navigate their health effectively.

As women actively seek holistic approaches, Anne Barratt and Empowering Health emerge as guiding lights in this transformative journey. This blog invites women to explore personalized solutions, mindful practices, and empowering experiences in their quest for holistic well-being.

End Note – Survey Details: The statistics referenced are from recent surveys conducted by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, analysing the well-being preferences of women aged 35 and older.



Anne Barratt is a Specialist Kinesiologist, Energy Worker, Mentor & Coach.

Empowering the health of your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, abundance, success, and life.

To learn more about Anne, Kinesiology and the other modalities practiced at Empowering Health


To book a session with Anne

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Empowering Health