Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not a philosophy, this is physics

Albert Einstein

Did you know that working with a coach or practitioner online can be just as effective as working together in person?

Are you experiencing symptoms of emotional stress and anxiety?  Maybe life feels unstable and you’ve lost focus and feeling overwhelmed by not being in control of yourself.

I have so many tools that may help bring you and your emotions back to a state of balance and harmony.  Let me know you identify which ones you may need.

Every person in unique, your background and history is unique to you, your environment is unique to you, and the way you respond to things is unique to you, therefor it stands to reason that every session should  be unique to you.

Sometimes I use muscle testing through “surrogation” to help identify what methods are best for your optimal wellbeing.

Muscle testing is a way to tap into your subconscious and body’s biofeedback system as a way to identify where you’re underlying contributing factors to your symptoms may be.

But how do you do this online I hear you ask?  Through surrogation.

Surrogate means ‘a substitute’ so Surrogate sessions is when one person stands in (physically) to do the healing for another.

Surrogates are used when:

      • The person cannot physically attend the clinic
      • The person does not live in the local area
      • The client is a baby or toddler and having them lie still may be difficult
      • The client is elderly or weak
      • Working with animals
      • Doing Distant/Remote session– I become the surrogate

A Surrogate sessions is simply bringing the energy of the (physically) absent client into the surrogate. I confirm (with Kinesiology testing) that I am testing the absent client and not the surrogate. Upon that confirmation, the session begins.

Being that everything is energy, and energy knows no boundaries in time and space, and the modalities used at Empowering Health are to align and balance energy, then appointments can be done ‘remotely’ – referred to here as Health Coaching.

Distance and remote health coaching is where your healing can be done without physically being present in the clinic. You can live in the next town or on the other side of world and still receive a transformational balancing session.


– if you are feeling stuck, frustrated, angry or depressed;

– if you are struggling to achieve your goals, procrastinating;

– if you are feeling anxious, stressed or just don’t feel right then

– if you are wondering why you may be having difficulty loosing weight

– if you keep repeating the same mistakes in life and relationships

– if you are feeling uncoordinated, forgetful, or trip often

– if you want to identify any issues before they become a major health concerns

contact Anne Barratt today and book your transformational health balance now.

With all energy healings you may or may not experience a shift instantly. Generally it does take time for the changes to take place. You may not recognise the changes (others around you may) and then one day you will realise things are different. The changes may be that subtle.

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not a philosophy, this is physics.

Please note that Kinesiolgists do not treat, diagnose, or prescribe.  If you or your child has any serious health concern be sure to consult your GP.


Anne Barratt is a Specialist Kinesiologist & Transformation Coach.

To learn more about Anne, Kinesiology and the other modalities practiced at Empowering Health
visit www.empoweringhealth.clinic

To book a session with Anne www.empoweringhealth.clinic/book
alternatively you can email me info@empoweringhealth.clinic

For more tips to help with your health “Like” my Facebook page

Empowering Health
Operating from The Quan Yin Healing Centre.
Shop 12, 150 Macquarie Road, Springwood NSW 2777