“Tapping on the energy system while being tuned to an emotional (or physical) problem is an extraordinary healing technique that is deserving of the Nobel Prize. Its impact on the healing sciences is bout to be enormous.”

Dr F Gallo


What is EFT?

EFT is a therapeutic mind-body approach which clinically discharges excess emotional distress and assists in liberating one’s natural growth process.  In doing so it is also capable of dramatically relieving many physical symptoms.  EFT belongs to the growing field of Energy Psychology and has its roots in ancient Chinese medicine – Acupuncture and the modern science of Applied Kinesiology.

The basic theory is that the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.  By correcting the disturbance on an energy level we simultaneously correct it on a psychological and physiological level.  These techniques are gentle, rapid and startlingly effective.  New or old emotional upsets can often be released in less than half an hour!  Similarly, life long phobias, compulsive behaviours and unhealthy patterns of belief can be eliminated.

EFT is a Meridian Energy Therapy – just like acupuncture, it works directly on the meridian system in the body.  But instead of needles, you stimulate the major meridian points by tapping on them or massaging them lightly.  This tapping or massaging serves to balance these energy meridians which become disrupted when the client things about or becomes involved in an emotionally disturbing circumstance.  The actual memory stays the same, but the charge is gone.  Typically, this result is lasting.  Cognition often changes in a healthy direction as a natural consequence of the healing.  According to Gary Craig, founder of EFT, EFT has success rate of about 85-97% depending on the problem.

EFT is a self help protocol, designed for ease of use and so everyone can benefit from Emotional Freedom Techniques without prior knowledge about meridians.

My experience

I personally use it almost every day, and make it part of my morning routine in order to be my optimal best, and get the most out of my day.  I had my most profound experience of it when I was first learning – I am qualified in both traditional and Positive EFT.  During class I was experiencing the a horrific migraine – I shouldn’t have even been in class as I was throwing up regularly, had to lie down a lot, in tears and a lot of pain and if I wasn’t there I would have had to redo the whole course and pay again.  Anyway the teacher decided to use me as the example to demonstrate how quickly EFT can work.  By tapping through the sequence of points, and working through my limiting beliefs and sabotages connected with pain I was experiencing my migraine was completely gone after 20 rounds.  I was blown away and relieved.  In the past a migraine like that would have lasted 3 days and since then I’ve never experience a migraine like that ever again.